Dear Families,
Welcome back everyone! We hope that our students and families enjoyed a great March Break and that everyone is feeling energized for the coming months ahead! Together, we have already accomplished so much during this school year and we look forward to more exciting new learning and fun in the next few months. With spring officially arriving tomorrow, we also hope for warmer weather and brighter days to come. Our staff can’t wait to see you tomorrow, Stars!
Tuesday, March 21st – World Down Syndrome Day
World Down Syndrome Day is a global awareness day that has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. Since chromosomes look like socks, you can ‘ROCK, YOUR SOCKS’ by wearing mismatched, colourful, and zany socks to show your support and create awareness. Help raise awareness of what Down Syndrome is, what it means to have Down Syndrome, and how people with Down Syndrome play a vital role in our lives and communities and have the right to the same opportunities as everyone else.
FREE Summer Learning Programs – Register NOW!
Waterloo Catholic District School Board and St. Louis Adult Learning & Continuing Education is committed to supporting your child’s continued learning. In July and August this year, there are several FREE learning options available for elementary students that will ignite, support and challenge student toward success and preparation for the next grade.
Find the programs listed by date and grade that best suit your child’s needs.
Visit for program details, dates and registration links.
Elementary In-Person Opportunities:
- Summer Fun with Languages (JK-Grade 8)
- Summer Boost (Grades 1-6)
- Summer Expedition (Grades 6-8)
- HeadStart (Grade 8)
First Secondary Credit for Grade 8 Students (In-Person):
- Bridge to Success – HIF1O (open to Grade 8 students only)
- Exploring Engineering – TDJ1O (open to Grade 8 & 9 students only)
Registration OPENS on March 21st, so sign up early to reserve your spot!
Our Lenten Journey Continues
As we continue our journey toward Easter this year, we want to remember that God loves us and is there for us always. In this week’s readings, the 4th Sunday of Lent, we hear reminders that we must live in the light, not in darkness. We are encouraged us to live as children of the light, doing what is good, right, and true. We have a responsibility to do what we can to make our world a better place as we continue to be stewards of His gift.
Have a wonderful week, Stars!