Good Morning St. Aloysius Families,
Term 1 Report Cards are set to go home on the 15th of February. Every few days leading up to that date we will be sharing snippets of information that we hope families find useful in understanding what is on the report card and how teachers evaluate student performance. A common understanding between teachers and parents will hopefully help us work together to improve student performance and ultimately help each child achieve academic success.
Today we want to share what the basis is for assessment and evaluation in Ontario Schools. Growing Success is the government document for Grades K-12 that outlines these two topics for teachers, students and parents. It is a public document that be found on the internet:
The Kindergarten Program
Ontario’s two-year kindergarten program is unique and differs from the Grade 1-12 curriculum. Educators develop and plan lessons and activities to help your children learn through play and inquiry. The foundation government policy document for this program is accessible on the internet as well: