St. Aloysius is collecting Toonies in support of Food4Kids – Waterloo Region. We are sending home Toonie Donation cards with your child(ren) tonight. Please consider attaching what you can to help support this program which supports our WCDSB children.
Please see the attached link if you want to donate directly to Food4Kids.
We will be collecting donations until Friday December 2, 2022
St. Aloysius is having our annual Dance-A-Thon on November 30th, 2022.
Once again we are pre-ordering drinks, snacks and glow sticks. Each item is $1. Please login to School Cash Online to pre-order the items. We will not be accepting cash.
We are also accepting Dance-A-Thon Donations through School Cash Online.
On behalf of St. Aloysius School Council, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has participated in the past Dance-A-Thon Fundraiser Events. Funds raised from these events have been put towards activities such as, the School BBQ, subsidized student agendas, Nutrition for Learning, literacy programs and many more!
Please login to School Cash Online and enter the amount you wish to donate, go to the “check out” and the donation will be received.