
About staloysiusadmin

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So far staloysiusadmin has created 114 blog entries.

Inclement Weather- Extreme Heat

Good Afternoon St. Aloysius Families,

A Heat Wave is Hitting Ontario…What does it mean for us?

Today marks the beginning of a heat wave in Kitchener-Waterloo, and we will be taking the temperatures very seriously as it can have an effect on many people for a variety of reasons.

First, we will use the following temperatures as a guideline, as provided to schools by the board:

Cooler than 35 C: students may remain outside for all regular outside activities.

Between 35 & 40 C: students may remain outside for no longer than 20-minute intervals at a time.

Hotter than 40 C: students must remain inside.

We will use THIS SITE to monitor temperatures this week.

Please note that as of now:

World Cup of Soccer – we are currently working on a contingency plan and will share when we have it organized. Right now, we are considering making the length of games shorter and possibly postponing some games until next week.

We would like to encourage each of you to monitor your own health and wellness, stay hydrated – which means drink water before you are thirsty – and move to cooler places should you feel you need to.  This is a good time to check in with loved ones or neighbours who may be vulnerable and ensure that you are taking care of yourself too!

IF we are outside, we will have door monitors that will be letting kids in to get a drink without a pass, so that we STILL do not need to take water bottles outside.

We will continue to monitor the weather for any changes, and we will continue to update our policies and procedures to keep everyone safe.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation, and as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the main office.

Cross-Country Meet Postponed

NOTICE – KDM (Kitchener-Waterloo Schools) Elementary Cross Country Classic – POSTPONED


Due to the risk of thunderstorms today, the KDM Cross Country Classic held at the University of Waterloo is postponed.


The event will shift to the existing rain date: Thursday JUNE 6, 2024. All the details for the event, including time of day and location do not change.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024: Administrative Assistant’s Day

The staff and students at St. Aloysius would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the Administrative Assistants today (ESPECIALLY MRS. KOZAK AND MRS. CRANFORD!) on “Administrative Assistant’s Day”.

Behind every successful day at school – however you measure that success – is YOU. YOU are the face of our schools.  The first smile that our students and families see when they come to us.  YOU are the medical expert, giving ICE, providing tissues and paper towels, handing out medication and inhalers.  YOU are the mental health experts, calming bodies, minds, and hearts with ease.  YOU are the ones that our students go to for everything they need; the ones that all staff go to for everything they need; and the ones that our Administrators go to for everything we need.  YOU are the one.

Today we recognize the sacrifices you make in your personal time, your family time and in your lives for the good of the school.  We recognize the dedication you have to your communities, and we recognize the challenges that you deal with – with ease.

Today we recognize YOU and the impact that you have on our world. You keep us all going!


ARTSHINE Session 7 Starts April 9th or 10th

Artshine April & May The new session of Artshine is available for registration!  You may choose Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Tuesday session starts April 9th and the Wednesday session starts April 10th. Please see the attached flyer:

Please go to to register.


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